About Us

Behind Every Successful Business is a Dedicated Enabler

Our Mission

Welcome to Crenalytics Consulting

A major challenge for growing businesses is managing the cost of support services. Often, companies rely on temporary solutions that don't align with their long-term goals.

Crenalytics is revolutionizing support services to foster business growth, designing our offerings specifically for your needs. Picture reaching a pivotal growth stage, burdened by decisions about expanding your support team or cutting costs—choices that can impact your profitability.

Our Core Principles



We take full responsibility for our assigned tasks.



We aim to be an integral part of your growth, not just an expense.


Customer Satisfaction

We aim to be an integral part of your growth, not just an expense.

Your Growth “Enablers”

At Crenalytics, we ensure you have the support you need to focus entirely on business growth. We are your “Enablers,” delivering timely, essential data across Finance, Human Resources, Legal, and Operations. Our customized solutions are efficient and cost-effective, making it easy to choose us as partners in your growth journey.

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